Are you a veteran in need?

At HonorBound, our mission is to treat all veterans with the honor, dignity and respect that you deserve. If you are in need of urgent financial assistance and you meet our minimum criteria, you may be eligible for one-time assistance from our organization. Our eligibility criteria are simple to understand:

  • Served a minimum of one year active duty with honorable discharge
  • Did not receive assistance from us previously

All requests for assistance must come from either your caseworker, Veterans Administration social worker or Veterans Service Officer. We do not have the capacity to handle direct inquiries from veterans or their families. Requests emailed to us directly cannot be considered and will only delay our ability to assist you and other eligible veterans.

If you do not have a VA caseworker, a social worker from your local Social Services office can help. To find a local caseworker, please follow one of the links below: